2023.09.05 21:00 - 10.02 18:00

オンラインでのグッズ販売に関して / Regarding online merch sales
● 本商品は、「hololive production OFFICIAL SHOP」「Geek Jack」での販売を予定しております。
● 税込み価格での掲載です。
● 場合により、グッズの価格・デザイン含め予告なく変更や中止となる場合がございます。
● 不良品以外の返品・交換はできません。不良が発生した場合は各通販サイトのお問い合わせへご連絡ください。
● 販売開始時はページへのアクセス集中により、アクセスしづらい場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。
● 商品・販売に関する変更やお知らせは、本公演サイトや公式Twitterなどでお知らせいたします。
● 商品は、後日再販売を行う可能性がございます。
【Blue Journey 1st Live「夜明けのうた」ライブグッズ 2次販売】
期間(1):2023年7月8日(土)21:00 〜 7月24日(月)18:00 ※終了
期間(2):2023年9月5日(火)21:00 〜 10月2日(月)18︙00
▼hololive production OFFICIAL SHOP発送時期
受注販売商品:2023年11月上旬 〜 2023年12月上旬予定
全商品:2024年1月中旬 〜 2024年2月中旬予定
▼Geek Jack発送時期
受注販売商品:2023年11月上旬 〜 2023年12月上旬予定
▽3D Acrylic Stand Blue Journey Outfit ver.
2023年9月5日(火)21:00 〜
● 2023年9月下旬頃予定
● 3Dアクリルスタンド Blue Journey衣装ver. と受注販売商品を同じカート内で購入すると、発送期間内での配送ができませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。発送予定時期にお受け取りをご希望の場合は、受注販売商品と決済を分けてご購入お願いします。
● hololive production OFFICIAL SHOP国際配送対象エリアにお住まいで、先行発送商品をご購入のお客様は、下記をご確認ください。
● 配送キャリアはDHLとなります。
● 国際配送につき、国内より到着まで多少お時間がかかる可能性がございます。ご参考までに、USの場合3日前後の着荷予定になります。
● 受取地域の規則や規制に従ってください。また、ご注文後、DHLからご注文者様へ連絡がまいりますので、必要に応じお客様情報のご提供をお願いいたします。
● 万が一、ライブ開催日前に商品が受け取れなかった場合の責任は負いかねますので、予めご了承ください。
● 商品に不良が発生した場合、国際配送につきライブ開催日前に良品のお届けがお約束できない場合がございます。
● This product will be sold at hololive production OFFICIAL SHOP and “Geek Jack”.
● Prices listed include tax.
● Prices and designs may be changed or canceled without prior notice.
● No returns or exchanges can be made with the exception of defective items. If you have received a defective item, please contact the vendor via the inquiry section of the item page.
● At the commencement of sales, access to the aforementioned websites may be impeded due to server traffic congestion.
● Any changes to or announcements regarding items and sales will be posted on the concert website and official Twitter accounts.
● Products may go on resale at a later date.
▼Online Purchases
*Please review the following information before you consider making a purchase.
【Blue Journey 1st Live “Yoake no Uta” Concert Merchandise (2nd)】
▼Sales Period
1st Period: 9 PM, July 8th, 2023 – 6 PM, July 24th, 2023 (JST) * Ended
2nd Period: 9 PM September 5th, 2023 – 6 PM October 2nd, 2023 (JST)
* Postscript September 5th:
We will conduct a 2nd round of event merchandise sales.
Please note that the merchandise list may differ from “Period 1” of the sales period.
▼hololive production OFFICIAL SHOP Shipping Period
1st Period:
Advance shipping items: From mid-August 2023
Made-to-order items: Estimated to be around early-November to early-December 2023.2nd Period:
All items: Estimated to be around mid-January to mid-February 2024.
*Note that the date of delivery may vary depending on the customer’s receipt status.
▼Geek Jack Shipping Period
1st Period:
All items: Estimated to be around early-November to early-December 2023.
2nd Period
All items: Estimated to be around mid-January to mid-February 2024.
*Note that the date of delivery may vary depending on the customer’s receipt status.
▽3D Acrylic Stand Blue Journey Outfit ver.
▼Sales Period
9 PM September 5th, 2023 – (JST)
▼Shipping Period
Estimated around late September 2023.
*Note that the date of delivery may vary depending on the customer’s receipt status.
● If you purchase “3D Acrylic Stand Blue Journey Outfit ver.” together with other made-to-order items, your order will be shipped once all items in your order are ready for shipping. Please purchase this item separately if you wish to receive it within the aforementioned shipping schedule.
*Please note that the shipping fee will incur with every purchase, and you cannot merge the shipping fees of different orders.
● Please review the following information for hololive production OFFICIAL SHOP customers residing in areas eligible for international shipping and wish to buy advance shipping items.
▼Delivery and Receipt
● The delivery carrier is DHL.
● Please note that international shipments may take longer to arrive than domestic shipments. For reference, shipments to the U.S. generally arrive in approximately 3 business days.
● Please abide by the rules and regulations for the receiving area. Once orders have been placed, DHL will contact you and ask you to provide any necessary customer information.
● COVER Corporation and its vendors will not be held responsible in the event that you do not receive your items prior to the date of the concert. In such cases, orders cannot be canceled or refunded.
● Should a customer receive a defective item, COVER Corporation and its vendors may not be able to guarantee delivery of the replacement before the concert date due to international shipping.
*For additional precautions, please read carefully the “Legal Information and Notices required by the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions” of this store.